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Saturday, June 21, 2008


Watered the vegetable patch last evening with the sprinkler which I use very sparingly to conserve water. But it has been so dry recently despite the forecast of rain that I wanted everything to have a good soaking. Low and behold though I wake up to pouring rain this morning!

Everything is coming on well. Already tucking into lettuce from the garden and it wont be long before I try some of the potatoes from the big sack. The greenery of the potatoes is now dying off and I wonder if this means they are ready to dig up?

The sunflower seeds that I sowed about ten days ago are little seedlings now and the herbs that I sowed to use up old seed are also getting going.

The butternut squash at the bottom of the garden don't seem to be thriving as well as the courgettes but I'm sure from previous years they grow at a slower pace and aren't really ready until the autumn anyway.

The grass is recovering now from the weed, feed and moss kill that I spread a couple of weeks ago. I think I spread it uneven and consequently it has developed quite a few dead looking patches. Of course I had to end up watering it too since the forecast rain never arrived. I'm not sure if this allowed it to sort of burn or something. Never mind - it will grow again!
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